Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Primary Choices: John McCain

While reading “Primary choices: John McCain”, an article from editorial in New York Times online newspaper I disagreed with the editor in some point and agreed with him/her in other point. The name of the editor did not list on the news but I think that person somewhat has a great interesting in up coming election. For instance, running for a president of a big country like United States is not as easy as we might think. So each of the candidates will have his/her strongest point that we will agree with, and he/she will have the weak point that we will not agree with. For instance, Mr. McCain is the only one who promised to end the styling rule of the current president Bush. Of course once some body go out and running for something, they will promise something that they think the population will like that idea. But why would not Mr. McCain promise to end the Iraq War, which is happen right now and the majority population of the country want the war to end. In that case, the population will happy with that and McCain can win the election. Saying and actually doing what we have said is the two different things. If we only say something without prove it, we will not win anything, in this case for McCain is winning the election.

I agreed with the editor by saying McCain promise to end the Bush’s styling because that is a good turning point for the argument. And by the end, the editor said that McCain has a best choice for his presidency in his party by the thing that he has done in the past. But I disagreed with the editor in comparing McCain for particular and other candidates for the whole election thing with someone who is not interesting in presidency right now, or they might be but they are not go out and doing their campaign to win the election. Why the editor would compare the reality to the imagination like that? And I noticed the people that the editor listed in the news has stronger point for running the country than the candidates right now in dignity, faith, hope and wealth. But as they are not running for anything, especially wanting to do anything in this coming election, they have nothing to do with other candidates right now. So the editor can not compare them to the present candidates and make the candidates now in some place will lose their point to the population.

Link to Primary Choices: John McCain

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