Monday, May 5, 2008

On reply to Omar Olascoaga’s article.

China's Trade Status with the US

I agree with Omar on this article, even though China has made some unqualified goods. But we can solve that problem by making China sign a compromise to make any export goods high qualify. In this problem, both the economy of China and United States will come to succeed. Our economy now is in trouble with high gas prices, losing jobs, company shut down, and many more. If the Unites States government decides to ban the trading with China our economy will become even worsen. Our government needs to find the way to improve the economy not to bring the economy to an end. As Omar mentioned, if the United States government bans world trading between China and United States, the United States economy will not be the only one who hurt, but China as well. China is the one of the biggest importing countries, and United States is one of the most consuming goods countries. Producing and consuming between these two countries are linked together. As Omar says: “China buys around $6 billion a year of American goods” this is a huge number of consume by China. And as we, the American people, all know that many goods, items sell in the market are made in China. I don’t see any reason why the United States government is going to ban the trading between China and the US. It will not help our economy become wealth and strong again. It will make both the economy in China and US become weakness. Higher price s’ goods will be seen in the market. We cannot afford any higher price goods because our gas price is high enough with our pocket.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Who will bring the economy up?

The election is coming up. The three candidates for president are now willing to do anything that is good for their people. The economy of America in the couple past months was so down with all rising unemployment, lower wages, higher gas prices, and some people lost their homes due to the economic problems. All three candidates had done nothing but promised to America something that will be good for their people. They are all having one thing in common, health care problem. All of them promised to bring a better health care to the people, and that no one is left behind. Candidate Obama said his plan will cover all American, and the amount of money spent by people who already had health insurance in their health problem will be less. Candidate Clinton’s plan is just similar to Obama’s plan. This is no odd thing, because Obama and Clinton are in the same party. They are going to do the same for their people in the future. The more importance thing is that Obama and Clinton both want to bring the troops out of Iraq soon. In that case, America can invest in American people and American jobs, which is a good way to bring the economy up. But how are they going to do it since the Republican President, Bush is still in his term? In addition, candidate of the Republic party McCain are going to do the same thing like Bush have been done in the last eight years. In McCain’s proposal, there is a promised in health care, too. But in his recent speeches on the radio there were no different than the policies that Bush had. McCain has no plan to bring the economy up. We cannot predict who the winner is, or who bring the economy up. Since all of the candidates up to now are just promised to the people and they haven’t done anything yet. In the other words, we cannot predict and judge the three candidates by their speeches, we can only predict and judge them in the way they are actual doing to bring the economy up. The winner will be the one who actually turn our economy around and actually do what they are promised. We can only know the result after the election end, and after the new president is being in his/her term.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Bringing the troops home

Beside the election is coming, the second hot topic now is the war in Iraq. I agree with Sophia in this topic. The war is happening longer than we expect. The troops are in duty longer times which mean they don’t get to see their family any time soon. Sophia made a turn point by raising two things: one is the costing of the war, and other is the lives of troops. First, let think about the food. Our troops have been eating dried foods and fairly amount of fresh foods. But it is still costing us a large amount of money. For instance, according to the National Public Radio, for every given month, the troops consume about $3 millions worth of beef steak, more than $2 millions worth of lobster tail, and more than $700,000 worth of egg rolls. This is just an example to prove what Sophia was saying about the worth of the Iraq war, nothing but costing us money. Second, let’s talk about the life of the troop for the individual and the troops for the whole. No one was born and expecting a death from war, accident or something that they never think about it. The death toll that Sophia stated in the post was huge. The number 4000 dead will not stop here; it will rise up as long as the war is not end yet. The purpose of the Iraq War is to serve peace for the people. But how many people might think and know about this purpose since many U.S troops died by the war. Families of the troops only see the war in their soul for the losing of any members in their family, and the war in Iraq for the realistic. United States Government should make a decision to bring the troops home as soon as possible. The war has been long enough to an end.

Link to the original post - when will our troops come home.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Barack Obama, the New President

Since the election is coming. And there are choices for us to nominate someone as a president for next term, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain. I think the better choice for us is to elect Barack Obama as president for next term. Obama is in the Democrats side, and this is his first time standing up to be a president candidate. He did a wonderful job on all of his speech to the public. Obama also has some great plan for the people whether they are young or elderly as he said in Des Moines, IA, October 27, 2007, "We… have an obligation to protect Social Security and ensure that it's a safety net the American people can count on today, tomorrow and forever. Social Security is the cornerstone of the social compact in this country… Coming together to meet this challenge won't be easy… It will take restoring a sense of shared purpose in Washington and across this country. But if you put your trust in me — if you give me 'your hand and your heart' — then that's exactly what I intend to do as your next President." (Source is from, or as he promise to affordable health care, honor seniors and many more. Not only because of his speech, his promise to the nation when he becomes a president, but because of the change of our nation in the future, too. It means the Republic side was serving and is serving now. But there was many bad situations happened. For example, the war in Iraq which made many people in the US lived far away from home, many families lost their members, and many families have not seen their relatives for years… Or the attacked in September 11, 2001 which cause many people to dead, the fear in many people’s eyes, the economic down in our nation since then. Looking back then, we see nothing that the Republican side brings to us but war, terrorist attacks, and economic downturn. Why don’t we change our nation by elect a different party to serve our nation such as Democrats? By doing that, Obama would lead the nation to the strongest nation in the world in health care, social security, seniors and many others thing that the delivered in his speeches.

And for the other thing is that we should let other race to run our nation, such as African American like Obama. We should not judge other in their physical outlook. We should give Obama a chance to make a different to our nation. In the freedom country, anyone who eligible for president candidate would have a chance to be a president, no matter what their color is.

Monday, March 3, 2008

See Obama for who he is

Erin Aubry Kaplan is an editor to the op-ed section of the Los Angeles Times. She was born in Los Angeles. Her family is Creole from New Orleans. She has worked for many. She is a writer and journalist. Her articles appeared in many magazines, newspapers, publication such as the London Independent, the Guardian,, The Crisis, Newsday, Contemporary Art Magazine, the Utne Reader and Black Enterprise. She has a B.A. in English and M.F.A. in Theater Arts from U.C.L.A. From these, we know she has a great knowledge in writing. She wrote an article on Los Angeles Times about “See Obama for who he is” which I totally agreed with her on this. As we all know the American is a freedom country. We can say what we want to say, do what we want to do, and the most important part is “that all men are created equal”(from the Declaration of Independent). So why American treated Obama as a blackman and he is facing difficulty in his candidate for president.

“The question of race that has been raised repeatedly in Obama's campaign is both straightforward and existential: Is he really black? Isn't he really biracial? Or maybe post-racial, even nonracial? A writer for, analyzing a swing through Kansas during which Obama lauded the relatives on his white mother's side, delved into why Obama wasn't playing up that part of his heritage and embracing his "inner diversity"; "Can America elect a zebra?" the piece asked. Another admiring Salon article credited Obama for taking the path to a "post-racial destination" -- but also for the bold move of "making himself black."” (Source is from Los Angeles Times). There are many questions about whether or not making him as a president for next term. Obama was born in America, and he is living in America now. But he is not treated as an American with his right to be a president for next term. People are still seeing him as a stranger for the White House. “Let's face it, change is hard. It can be ugly. It's not about conciliation but confrontation. And what must be confronted is Obama's blackness, not his whiteness or some notion that he transcends race altogether.” (Source is from Los Angeles Times). Kaplan made a sharp turn point by saying this. We can not judge other as their color, outlook. But we must judge other in their heart. We must see what they are promise and willing to do as a head of a nation. This change may bring America to the highest point in economic wealth and great political system. Why don’t we give Obama a chance?

Link to the article "see Obama for who he is"

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Primary Choices: John McCain

While reading “Primary choices: John McCain”, an article from editorial in New York Times online newspaper I disagreed with the editor in some point and agreed with him/her in other point. The name of the editor did not list on the news but I think that person somewhat has a great interesting in up coming election. For instance, running for a president of a big country like United States is not as easy as we might think. So each of the candidates will have his/her strongest point that we will agree with, and he/she will have the weak point that we will not agree with. For instance, Mr. McCain is the only one who promised to end the styling rule of the current president Bush. Of course once some body go out and running for something, they will promise something that they think the population will like that idea. But why would not Mr. McCain promise to end the Iraq War, which is happen right now and the majority population of the country want the war to end. In that case, the population will happy with that and McCain can win the election. Saying and actually doing what we have said is the two different things. If we only say something without prove it, we will not win anything, in this case for McCain is winning the election.

I agreed with the editor by saying McCain promise to end the Bush’s styling because that is a good turning point for the argument. And by the end, the editor said that McCain has a best choice for his presidency in his party by the thing that he has done in the past. But I disagreed with the editor in comparing McCain for particular and other candidates for the whole election thing with someone who is not interesting in presidency right now, or they might be but they are not go out and doing their campaign to win the election. Why the editor would compare the reality to the imagination like that? And I noticed the people that the editor listed in the news has stronger point for running the country than the candidates right now in dignity, faith, hope and wealth. But as they are not running for anything, especially wanting to do anything in this coming election, they have nothing to do with other candidates right now. So the editor can not compare them to the present candidates and make the candidates now in some place will lose their point to the population.

Link to Primary Choices: John McCain

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

States Prepare for Tests of Changes to Voting System

I have found an article about Voting Machines that each of us should read this because voting is the most important topic that we have to know at this time. Some of the Voting Machines did not work during voting session for party’s presidential candidate caused voters turned away. The voters turned away were not in one state but several different states, different counties. What was the cause of problem? A spokeswoman for Sequoia Voting Systems said that the problem was not in those machines, but it was cause by the poll workers.
The other thing was that in the states with large population only had too few machines, causing the voters waited in long line or they might have to move over to another polling station which they have not been told. Most of states today were using paperless touch-screen machines which caused both time to train the poll workers and counting problem. But in some states, like New York State, they will use the same voting machines that have been used in times.

Voting Machines